VPN代碼本文會列出當您使用 Windows 2000、Windows XP 或 Windows Server 2003 做為用戶端電腦來進行撥號連線或 VPN 連線時,可能會收到的錯誤碼。注意 只有當您嘗試連線到執行 Windows 2000 或更新版本的「路由及遠端存取伺服器」時,才會看到編號大於 900 的錯誤碼。其他相關資訊下列清單包含撥號連線或 VPN 連線的錯誤碼:600An operation is pending. (操作擱置)601The port handle is invalid. (連接埠控制碼無效)602The port is already open. (連接埠已經開啟)603Caller's buffer is too small. (呼叫者的緩衝區太小)604Wrong information specified. (指定的資訊錯誤)605Cannot set port information. (無法設定連接埠資訊)606The port is not connected. (連接埠尚未連線)607The event is invalid. (事件無效)608The device does not exist. (裝置不存在)609The device type does not exist. (裝置類型不存在)610The buffer is invalid. (緩衝區無效)611The route is not available. (路由無法使用)612The route is not allocated. (尚未配置路由)613Invalid compression specified. (指定的壓縮無效)614Out of buffers. (緩衝區不足)615The port was not found. (找不到連接埠)616An asynchronous request is pending. (非同步要求正在擱置中)617The port or device is already disconnecting. (連接埠或裝置目前已經中斷連線)618The port is not open. (連接埠尚未開啟)619The port is disconnected. (連接埠已中斷連線)620There are no endpoints. (沒有結束點)621Cannot open the phone book file. (無法開啟電話簿檔案)622Cannot load the phone book file. (無法載入電話簿檔案)623Cannot find the phone book entry. (找不到電話簿項目)624Cannot write the phone book file. (無法寫入電話簿檔案)625Invalid information found in the phone book. (在電話簿中找到無效的資訊)626Cannot load a string. (無法載入字串)627Cannot find key. (找不到機碼)628The port was disconnected. (連接埠已經中斷連線)629The port was disconnected by the remote machine. (遠端電腦已將連接埠中斷連線)630The port was disconnected due to hardware failure. (由於硬體發生故障,連接埠已經中斷連線)631The port was disconnected by the user. (使用者已將連接埠中斷連線)632The structure size is incorrect. (結構大小不正確)633The port is already in use or is not configured for Remote Access dialout. (連接埠已經在使用中,或是未設定為遠端存取撥出之用)634Cannot register your computer on the remote network. (無法在遠端網路上登錄您的電腦)635Unknown error. (不明的錯誤)636The wrong device is attached to the port. (連接到連接埠的裝置不正確)637The string could not be converted. (無法轉換字串)638The request has timed out. (要求已經等候逾時)639No asynchronous net available. (沒有可用的非同步網路)640A NetBIOS error has occurred. (發生 NetBIOS 錯誤)641The server cannot allocate NetBIOS resources needed to support the client. (伺服器無法配置支援用戶端所需的 NetBIOS 資源)642One of your NetBIOS names is already 買屋網registered on the remote network. (您的其中一個 NetBIOS 名稱已經登錄在遠端網路上)643A network adapter at the server failed. (伺服器的一個網路介面卡失敗)644You will not receive network message popups. (您將不會收到快顯網路訊息)645Internal authentication error. (內部驗證錯誤)646The account is not permitted to log on at this time of day. (不允許帳戶在這個時間登入)647The account is disabled. (帳戶已停用)648The password has expired. (密碼已經過期)649The account does not have Remote Access permission. (此帳戶沒有遠端存取的使用權限)650The Remote Access server is not responding. (遠端存取伺服器沒有回應)651Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error. (您的數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 發生錯誤)652Unrecognized response from the device. (從裝置傳回無法識別的回應)653A macro required by the device was not found in the device .INF file section. (在裝置 .INF 檔案區段中找不到裝置所需要的巨集)654A command or response in the device .INF file section refers to an undefined macro (裝置 .INF 檔案區段中的指令或回應參照了一個未定義的巨集)655The macro was not found in the device .INF file section. (在裝置 .INF 檔案區段中找不到 巨集)656The macro in the device .INF file section contains an undefined macro (裝置 .INF 檔案區段中的 巨集包含了一個未定義的巨集)657The device .INF file could not be opened. (無法開啟裝置 .INF 檔案)658The device name in the device .INF or media .INI file is too long. (裝置 .INI 或媒體 .INI 檔案中的裝置名稱太長)659The media .INI file refers to an unknown device name. (媒體 .INI 檔案參照了一個無法辨識的裝置名稱)660The device .INF file contains no responses for the command. (裝置 .INF 檔案未包含指令的回應)661The device .INF file is missing a command. (裝置 .INF 檔案遺失了一個指令)662Attempted to set a macro not listed in device .INF file section. (嘗試設定未列在裝置 .INF 檔案區段中的巨集)663The media .INI file refers to an unknown device type. (媒體 .INF 檔案參照了一個無法辨識的裝置類型)664Cannot allocate memory. (無法配置記憶體)665The port is not configured for Remote Access. (連接埠不是設定為遠端存取之用)666Your modem (or other connecting device) is not functioning. (您的數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 無法正常運作)667Cannot read the media .INI file. (無法讀取媒體 .INI 檔案)668The connection dropped. (連線中斷)669The usage parameter in the media .INI file is invalid. (媒體 .INI 檔案中的使用方式參數不正確)670Cannot read the section name from the media .INI file. (無法從媒體 .INI 檔案讀取區段名稱)671Cannot read the device type from the media .INI file. (無法從媒體 .INI 檔案讀取裝置類型)672Cannot read the device name from the media .INI file. (無法從媒體 .INI 檔案讀取裝置名稱)673Cannot read the usage from the media .INI file. (無法從媒體借錢 .INI 檔案讀取使用方式)674Cannot read the maximum connection BPS rate from the media .INI file. (無法從媒體 .INI 檔案讀取最大的連線 BPS 速率)675Cannot read the maximum carrier BPS rate from the media .INI file. (無法從媒體 .INI 檔案讀取最大的波載 BPS 速率)676The line is busy. (線路忙線中)677A person answered instead of a modem. (有人接聽,而不是數據機接聽)678There is no answer. (無人接聽)679Cannot detect carrier. (無法偵測波載)680There is no dial tone. (沒有撥號音)681General error reported by device. (裝置發生一般錯誤)682ERROR WRITING SECTIONNAME (寫入 SECTIONNAME 時發生錯誤)683ERROR WRITING DEVICETYPE (寫入 DEVICETYPE 時發生錯誤)684ERROR WRITING DEVICENAME (寫入 DEVICENAME 時發生錯誤)685ERROR WRITING MAXCONNECTBPS (寫入 MAXCONNECTBPS 時發生錯誤)686ERROR WRITING MAXCARRIERBPS (寫入 MAXCARRIERBPS 時發生錯誤)687ERROR WRITING USAGE (寫入 USAGE 時發生錯誤)688ERROR WRITING DEFAULTOFF (寫入 DEFAULTOFF 時發生錯誤)689ERROR READING DEFAULTOFF (讀取 DEFAULTOFF 時發生錯誤)690ERROR EMPTY INI FILE (錯誤: 空的 INI 檔案)691Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain. (存取被拒絕,因為網域使用者名稱及 (或) 密碼不正確)692Hardware failure in port or attached device. (連接埠或連接的裝置發生硬體故障)693ERROR NOT BINARY MACRO (錯誤: 不是二進位巨集)694ERROR DCB NOT FOUND (錯誤: 找不到 DCB)695ERROR STATE MACHINES NOT STARTED (錯誤: 狀態電腦尚未啟動)696ERROR STATE MACHINES ALREADY STARTED (錯誤: 狀態電腦已經啟動)697ERROR PARTIAL RESPONSE LOOPING (錯誤: 部份回應迴圈處理)698A response keyname in the device .INF file is not in the expected format. (裝置 .INF 檔案中的回應關鍵名稱不是所要求的格式)699The device response caused buffer overflow. (裝置回應造成緩衝區溢位)700The expanded command in the device .INF file is too long. (裝置 .INF 檔案中的擴充指令太長)701The device moved to a BPS rate not supported by the COM driver. (裝置轉換到 COM 驅動程式所不支援的 BPS 速率)702Device response received when none expected. (意外接收到裝置的回應)703ERROR INTERACTIVE MODE (錯誤: 互動模式)704ERROR BAD CALLBACK NUMBER (錯誤: 回撥號碼不正確)705ERROR INVALID AUTH STATE (錯誤: 驗證狀態無效)706ERROR WRITING INITBPS (寫入 INITBPS 時發生錯誤)707X.25 diagnostic indication. (X.25 診斷指示)708The account has expired. (帳戶已經過期)709Error changing password on domain. (變更網域密碼時發生錯誤)710Serial overrun errors were detected while communicating with your modem. (進行數據機通訊時,偵測到序列滿溢錯誤)711RasMan initialization failure.Check the event log. (無法使用遠端伺服器所指派的 IPX 網路編號。請檢查事件日誌)712Biplex port is initializing.Wait a few seconds and redial. (正在初始化 Biplex 連接埠。請稍待幾秒鐘後重撥)713No active ISDN lines are available. (沒融資有任何使用中的 ISDN 線路可供利用)714Not enough ISDN channels are available to make the call. (沒有足夠的 ISDN 通道可用來呼叫)715Too many errors occurred because of poor phone line quality. (因為電話線路品質不良,發生太多錯誤)716The Remote Access IP configuration is unusable. (遠端存取 IP 組態無法使用)717No IP addresses are available in the static pool of Remote Access IP addresses. (遠端存取 IP 位址的靜態集區中沒有可用的 IP 位址)718PPP timeout. (PPP 等候逾時)719PPP terminated by remote machine. (遠端電腦已終止 PPP)720No PPP control protocols configured. (沒有設定 PPP 控制通訊協定)721Remote PPP peer is not responding. (遠端 PPP 對等電腦沒有回應)722The PPP packet is invalid. (PPP 封包無效)723The phone number, including prefix and suffix, is too long. (包含首碼和尾碼的電話號碼太長)724The IPX protocol cannot dial-out on the port because the computer is an IPX router. (IPX 通訊協定無法從連接埠撥出,因為這台電腦是 IPX 路由器)725The IPX protocol cannot dial-in on the port because the IPX router is not installed. (IPX 通訊協定無法從連接埠撥入,因為未安裝 IPX 路由器)726The IPX protocol cannot be used for dial-out on more than one port at a time. (無法同時在數個連接埠上使用 IPX 通訊協定撥號)727Cannot access TCPCFG.DLL. (無法存取 TCPCFG.DLL)728Cannot find an IP adapter bound to Remote Access. (找不到連結到遠端存取的 IP 介面卡)729SLIP cannot be used unless the IP protocol is installed. (除非已安裝了 IP 通訊協定,否則無法使用 SLIP)730Computer registration is not complete. (尚未完成電腦登錄)731The protocol is not configured. (尚未設定通訊協定)732The PPP negotiation is not converging. (PPP 交涉沒有交集)733The PPP control protocol for this network protocol is not available on the server. (這個網路通訊協定的 PPP 控制通訊協定無法在伺服器上使用)734The PPP link control protocol terminated. (已經終止 PPP 連結控制通訊協定)735The requested address was rejected by the server. (伺服器拒絕了所要求的位址)736The remote computer terminated the control protocol. (遠端電腦終止了控制通訊協定)737Loopback detected. (偵測到回送)738The server did not assign an address. (伺服器沒有指派位址)739The remote server cannot use the Windows NT encrypted password. (遠端伺服器無法使用 Windows NT 加密密碼)740The TAPI devices configured for Remote Access failed to initialize or were not installed correctly. (為遠端存取設定的 TAPI 服務無法初始化,或是未正確安裝)741The local computer does not support encryption. (本機電腦不支援加密)742The remote server does not support encryption. (遠端伺服器不支援加密)743The remote server requires encryption. (遠端伺服器需要加密)744Cannot use the IPX net number assigned by the remote server.Check the event log. (無法使用遠端伺服器所指派的 IPX 網路編號土地買賣。請檢查事件日誌)745ERROR_INVALID_SMM746ERROR_SMM_UNINITIALIZED747ERROR_NO_MAC_FOR_PORT748ERROR_SMM_TIMEOUT749ERROR_BAD_PHONE_NUMBER750ERROR_WRONG_MODULE751The callback number contains an invalid character. Only the following 18 characters are allowed: 0 to 9, T, P, W, (, ), -, @, and space (回撥號碼含有不正確的字元。只能使用下列 18 個字元:0 到 9、T、P、W、(、)、-、@ 及空格)752A syntax error was encountered while processing a script. (處理指令檔時發生語法錯誤)753The connection could not be disconnected because it was created by the multi-protocol router. (無法中斷連線,因為它是由多重通訊協定路由器所建立的)754The system could not find the multi-link bundle. (系統找不到多重連結 bundle)755The system cannot perform automated dial because this connection has a custom dialer specified. (系統無法執行自動撥號,因為這個連線有一個指定的自訂撥號員)756This connection is already being dialed. (連線已經進行撥號)757Remote Access Services could not be started automatically.Additional information is provided in the event log. (遠端存取服務無法自動啟動。事件日誌中含有詳細資料)758Internet Connection Sharing is already enabled on the connection. (連線中已經啟用了網際網路連線共用)759An error occurred while the existing Internet Connection Sharing settings were being changed. (變更現有的網際網路連線共用設定時發生錯誤)760An error occurred while routing capabilities were being enabled. (啟用路由功能時發生錯誤)761An error occurred while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled for the connection. (啟用連線中的網際網路連線共用時發生錯誤) 762An error occurred while the local network was being configured for sharing. (設定區域網路共用時發生錯誤) 763Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled.There is more than one LAN connection other than the connection to be shared. (無法啟用網際網路連線共用。除了要共用的連線外,已有數個 LAN 連線) 764No smart card reader is installed. (沒有安裝智慧卡讀取裝置) 765Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled.A LAN connection is already configured with the IP address that is required for automatic IP addressing. (無法啟用網際網路連線共用。已經使用要求自動 IP 定址的 IP 位址來設定 LAN 連線) 766A certificate could not be found.Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPSec require the installation of a machine certificate, also known as a computer certificate. (找不到憑證。透過 IPSec 使用 L2TP 通訊協定的連線要求安裝機器憑證 (也稱為電腦憑證)) 767Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled.The LAN connection selected as the private network has more than one IP address configured.Please reconfigure the LAN connection with a single IP address before enabling Internet Connection Sharing. (無法啟用網際網路連線共用。被當成私人酒店經紀網路的 LAN 連線已設定數個 IP 位址。請在啟用網際網路連線共用前,重新將 LAN 連線設定成使用一個特定 IP 位址) 768The connection attempt failed because of failure to encrypt data. (因為資料加密失敗,所以連線的嘗試失敗) 769The specified destination is not reachable. (無法連線到指定的目的地) 770The remote computer rejected the connection attempt. (遠端電腦拒絕連線嘗試) 771The connection attempt failed because the network is busy. (因為網路正在忙碌中,造成連線的嘗試失敗) 772The remote computer's network hardware is incompatible with the type of call requested. (遠端電腦的網路硬體和所要求的撥號類型不相容) 773The connection attempt failed because the destination number has changed. (因為目的號碼已變更,所以連線的嘗試失敗) 774The connection attempt failed because of a temporary failure.Try connecting again. (因為暫時性的錯誤,造成連線的嘗試失敗。請再試連線)775The call was blocked by the remote computer. (遠端電腦中止了這個撥號) 776The call could not be connected because the remote computer has invoked the Do Not Disturb feature. (撥號無法連線,因為遠端電腦已啟動了 [請勿打擾] 的功能) 777The connection attempt failed because the modem (or other connecting device on the remote computer is out of order. (連線嘗試失敗,因為遠端電腦的數據機 (或其他連線裝置) 故障) 778It was not possible to verify the identity of the server. (無法查驗伺服器的識別) 779To dial out using this connection you must use a smart card. (您必須使用智慧卡,才能使用這個連線撥號) 780An attempted function is not valid for this connection. (這個功能無法在這個連線上使用) 781The connection requires a certificate, and no valid certificate was found.For further assistance, click More Info or search Help and Support Center for this error number. (無法建立到遠端電腦的連線,因為找不到數據機,或數據機非常忙碌。請按 [其他資訊] 或搜尋這個錯誤碼的說明及支援中心,以取得進一步的協助) 782Internet Connection Sharing (ICS and Internet Connection Firewall (ICF cannot be enabled because Routing and Remote Access has been enabled on this computer.To enable ICS or ICF, first disable Routing and Remote Access.For more information about Routing and Remote Access, ICS, or ICF, see Help and Support. (無法啟用網際網路連線共用 (ICS) 及網際網路連線防火牆 (ICF),因為已在這台電腦上啟用路由及遠端存取。如果要啟用 ICS 或 ICF,請先停用路由及遠端存取。請參閱 [說明及支援] 以取得有關路由及遠端存取、ICS 或 ICF 的其他資訊) 783Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled.The LAN connection selected as the private network is either not present, or is disconnected from the network.Please ensure that the LAN adapter is connected before enabling Internet Connection Sharing. (無法啟用網際網路連線共用。已選取做為私人網路的 九份民宿LAN 連線可能不存在,或者它與網路的連線已中斷。在啟用網際網路連線共用前,請先確認 LAN 介面卡是否已連線) 784You cannot dial using this connection at logon time, because it is configured to use a user name different than the one on the smart card. If you want to use it at logon time, you must configure it to use the user name on the smart card. (您不能在登入時使用這個連線來撥號,因為它被設定為使用與智慧卡不同的使用者名稱。如果您想要在登入時使用這個連線,必須將它設定為使用智慧卡上的使用者名稱) 785You cannot dial using this connection at logon time, because it is not configured to use a smart card. If you want to use it at logon time, you must edit the properties of this connection so that it uses a smart card. (您不能在登入時使用這個連線來撥號,因為它並未被設定使用智慧卡。如果您想要在登入時使用這個連線,您必須編輯這個連線的內容,讓它可以使用智慧卡) 786The L2TP connection attempt failed because there is no valid machine certificate on your computer for security authentication. (因為您的電腦上沒有正確的機器憑證可以用來進行安全性驗證,所以嘗試 L2TP 連線時失敗) 787The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer could not authenticate the remote computer. (嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為安全性階層無法驗證遠端電腦) 788The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer could not negotiate compatible parameters with the remote computer. (嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為安全性階層無法與遠端電腦交涉相容的參數) 789The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer encountered a processing error during initial negotiations with the remote computer. (嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為安全性階層在與遠端電腦進行初始交涉時處理錯誤) 790The L2TP connection attempt failed because certificate validation on the remote computer failed. (嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為在進行遠端電腦的憑證確認時失敗) 791The L2TP connection attempt failed because security policy for the connection was not found. (嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為找不到連線的安全性原則) 792The L2TP connection attempt failed because security negotiation timed out. (嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為安全性交涉逾時) 793The L2TP connection attempt failed because an error occurred while negotiating security. (嘗試 L2TP 連線失敗,因為在進行安全性交涉時發生錯誤) 794The Framed Protocol RADIUS attribute for this user is not PPP. (這個使用者的已框架處理通訊協定 RADIUS 屬性不是 PPP) 795The Tunnel Type RADIUS attribute for this user is not correct. (這個使用者的通道類型 RADIUS 屬性不正確) 796The Service Type RADIUS attribute for this user is neither Framed nor Callback Framed. (這個使用者的服務類型 RADIUS 屬性既不是框架也不是回撥框架) 797A connection to the remote computer could not be established because the modem was not 房地產found or was busy.For further assistance, click More Info or search Help and Support Center for this error number. (無法建立到遠端電腦的連線,因為找不到數據機,或數據機非常忙碌。請按 [其他資訊] 或搜尋這個錯誤碼的說明及支援中心,以取得進一步的協助) 798A certificate could not be found that can be used with this Extensible Authentication Protocol. (找不到可以使用這個可延伸驗證通訊協定的憑證) 799Internet Connection Sharing (ICS cannot be enabled due to an IP address conflict on the network.ICS requires the host be configured to use ensure that no other client on the network is configured to use (網際網路連線共用 (ICS) 無法啟用,因為網路上的 IP 位址衝突。ICS 要求主機設定使用。請確定網路上沒有其他用戶端設定使用 800Unable to establish the VPN connection.The VPN server may be unreachable, or security parameters may not be configured properly for this connection. (無法建立 VPN 連線。VPN 伺服器可能無法連線,或這個連線的安全性參數可能未正確設定) 801This connection is configured to validate the identity of the access server, but Windows cannot verify the digital certificate sent by the server. (設定這個連線以確認存取伺服器的身分識別,但是 Windows 無法檢查伺服器所傳送的數位憑證)802The card supplied was not recognized.Please check that the card is inserted correctly, and fits tightly. (提供的卡片無法識別。請檢查卡片是否正確插入妥當)803The PEAP configuration stored in the session cookie does not match the current session configuration. (存放在工作階段 cookie 中的 PEAP 設定與目前的工作階段設定不符)804The PEAP identity stored in the session cookie does not match the current identity. (存放在工作階段 cookie 中的 PEAP 身分識別與目前的身分識別不符)805You cannot dial using this connection at logon time, because it is configured to use logged on user's credentials. (在登入時,您不能使用這個連線來撥號,因為它被設定為使用已登入使用者的認證)900The router is not running. (路由器並未運作) 901The interface is already connected. (已經與介面連線) 902The specified protocol identifier is not known to the router. (路由器不認得指定的通訊協定識別元) 903The Demand-dial Interface Manager is not running. (並未執行指定撥號介面管理員) 904An interface with this name is already registered with the router. (已經有一個具有這個名稱的介面向路由器登錄了) 905An interface with this name is not registered with the router. (尚無具有這個名稱的介面向路由器登錄) 906The interface is not connected. (尚未與介面連線) 907The specified protocol is stopping. (指定的通訊協定正在停止中) 908The interface is connected and hence cannot be deleted. (介面已經連線,所以無法刪除)909The interface credentials have not been set. (尚未設定介面認證找房子)910This interface is already in the process of connecting. (這個介面已經在連線的處理程序中) 911An update of routing information on this interface is already in progress. (已經在處理這個介面上的路由資訊更新) 912The interface configuration is invalid.There is already another interface that is connected to the same interface on the remote router. (介面設定不正確。已經有另一個介面連線到相同的遠端路由器介面) 913A Remote Access Client attempted to connect over a port that was reserved for Routers only. (有一個遠端存取用戶端嘗試連線到保留給路由器的連接埠上) 914A Demand Dial Router attempted to connect over a port that was reserved for Remote Access Clients only. (一個指定撥號路由器嘗試連線到保留給遠端存取用戶端的連接埠上) 915The client interface with this name already exists and is currently connected. (具有這個名稱的用戶端介面已經存在,而且目前已在連線狀態中) 916The interface is in a disabled state. (介面處於停用狀態) 917The authentication protocol was rejected by the remote peer. (遠端對等電腦拒絕了驗證通訊協定) 918There are no authentication protocols available for use. (沒有可用的驗證通訊協定) 919The remote computer refused to be authenticated using the configured authentication protocol.The line has been disconnected. (遠端電腦拒絕被設定的驗證通訊協定驗證。連線已經中斷) 920The remote account does not have Remote Access permission. (遠端帳戶沒有遠端存取的使用權限) 921The remote account has expired. (遠端帳戶已過期) 922The remote account is disabled. (遠端帳戶已停用) 923The remote account is not permitted to logon at this time of day. (在這一天的這個時段中不允許遠端帳戶登入) 924Access was denied to the remote peer because username and/or password is invalid on the domain. (存取被遠端對等電腦拒絕,因為網域使用者名稱及 (或) 密碼不正確) 925There are no routing enabled ports available for use by this demand dial interface. (沒有已啟用路由的連接埠可讓這個指定撥號介面使用) 926The port has been disconnected due to inactivity. (連接埠已經中斷連線,因為它處於非使用狀態) 927The interface is not reachable at this time. (目前暫時無法與該介面連線) 928The Demand Dial service is in a paused state. (指定撥號服務處在暫停狀態中) 929The interface has been disconnected by the administrator. (系統管理員已經中斷與介面的連線) 930The authentication server did not respond to authentication requests in a timely fashion. (驗證伺服器並未用適當的形式回應驗證要求) 931The maximum number of ports allowed for use in the multilinked connection has been reached. (已經到達連接埠多重連結式連線的最大允許數目) 932The connection time limit for the user has been reached. (已經達到了使用者的連線時間限制) 933The maximum limit on the number of LAN interfaces supported has been 室內裝潢reached. (LAN 介面的數目已經到達支援的最大限制) 934The maximum limit on the number of Demand Dial interfaces supported has been reached. (指定撥號介面的數目已經到達支援的最大限制) 935The maximum limit on the number of Remote Access clients supported has been reached. (遠端存取用戶端的數目已經到達支援的最大限制) 936The port has been disconnected due to the BAP policy. (因為 BAP 原則的限制,連接埠已經中斷連線) 937Because another connection of your type is in use, the incoming connection cannot accept your connection request. (因為另一個與您的類型相同的連線正在使用中,連入的連線無法接受您的連線要求) 938No RADIUS servers were located on the network. (在網路上找不到 RADIUS 伺服器) 939An invalid response was received from the RADIUS authentication server.Make sure that the case sensitive secret password for the RADIUS server is set correctly. (接收到一個來自 RADIUS 驗證伺服器無效的回應。請確定您的 RADIUS 伺服器密碼 (會分辨大小寫) 設定是否正確) 940You do not have permission to connect at this time. (目前您沒有連線的使用權限) 941You do not have permission to connect using the current device type. (您沒有連線的使用權限來使用目前的裝置類型) 942You do not have permission to connect using the selected authentication protocol. (您沒有連線的使用權限來使用選取的驗證通訊協定) 943BAP is required for this user. (這個使用者需要 BAP) 944The interface is not allowed to connect at this time. (目前不允許該介面連線) 945The saved router configuration is incompatible with the current router. (儲存的路由器設定與目前的路由器不相容) 946RemoteAccess has detected older format user accounts that will not be migrated automatically.To migrate these manually, run XXXX. (RemoteAccess 偵測到無法自動遷移的舊使用者帳戶格式。如果您要以手動方式來遷移,請執行 XXXX) 948The transport is already installed with the router. (路由器上已經安裝了傳輸) 949Received invalid signature length in packet from RADIUS server. (從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到封包中無效的簽章長度) 950Received invalid signature in packet from RADIUS server. (從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到封包中無效的簽章) 951Did not receive signature along with EAPMessage from RADIUS server. (未從 RADIUS 伺服器與 EAPMessage 一起接收到簽章) 952Received packet with invalid length or Id from RADIUS server. (從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到具有無效長度或識別碼的封包) 953Received packet with attribute with invalid length from RADIUS server. (從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到具有無效長度屬性的封包) 954Received invalid packet from RADIUS server. (從 RADIUS 伺服器接收到無效的封包) 955Authenticator does not match in packet from RADIUS server. (來自 RADIUS 伺服器封包中的授權者不符)

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